Red Rock Canyon Flowers

Phil Farrell

Here is a selection of the wildflowers we saw on March 10, 2005, in Red Rock Canyon State Park in the California desert.

Click on any thumbnail image below to see a larger one, or view them in order: Start Here

Our route home from Death Valley National Park went right through Red Rock Canyon State Park on highway 14. In past years, we had seen many nice flowers here in April. From the highway, we could see no color and I thought we were too early this year. But we needed a break anyway, so we pulled off at the main entrance (signed for the campground) and parked immediately at the entrance to Hagan Canyon and then hiked the nature trail.

After a few minutes, we started to see patches of intense magenta and yellow from low growing flowers and I ran back to the car to get my camera. There were occasional flowers here and there to the "top of the loop" in the nature trail. Here we left the trail and continued up the wash to the head of the canyon. Among the eroded white and red rocks, we found large fields of desert sunflowers and finally, right at the pass, big swaths of blue phlox mixed with yellow desert dandelions. These lovely flowers were quite a surprise.

Heading back to the car, the other half of the nature loop ran by several joshua trees that were in full bloom, with dainty desert dandelions at their feet.

All in all, this was a very worthwhile stop, yet nothing was visible from the highway.

Inch high Bigelow's monkey flower along trail
Blue phlox highlights the red cliffs
Desert gold sunflowers
Desert gold sunflowers at head of Hagan Cyn
Desert gold sunflowers
Karen admires the blue phlox on saddle at head of Hagan Cyn
Blue phlox and yellow desert dandelions at head of Hagan Cyn
Desert dandelions and joshua trees along the nature trail
Desert dandelions
Joshua tree blooms


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Last revision April 8, 2005